Sunday, May 18, 2008

What will happen next...

Since there was a telescreen in the room behind the picture this whole time then the Thought Police must know the role that Winston and Julia play as far as being rebellious and trying to join the Brother Hood. They'll probably be tortured to find out if they know anymore information. The Book will most likely be taken by Mr. Charrington and destroyed since all previous books had been. I was shocked to find out that Mr. Charrington was part of the Thought Police, I did not expect that at all. He will probably conduct the interrogations while they rot away in jail. Their cooperation will most likely depend on their fate, whether they are vaporized or sent to a labor camp. If Winston does not cooperate they could use Julia as a way to extract data from him. They could torture her in front of him or say that they are and that it won't stop until he gives up all the information that he knows. I also have a feeling that anyone that he's come into contact with or talked about will be imprisoned such as O'Brien, that is if he hasn't changed his identity already. If he has received word that Winston was captured he might have fled and had the reconstructive surgery done. I have no clue how Winston is going to get out of this mess, his fate is now in the hands of the Thought Police.... We'll have to see how everything ends out!

1 comment:

Ms. H said...

That sneaky Mr. Carrington seems to have surprised everyone!