Thursday, January 17, 2008

How life would be without a cell phone

First to start off just think about how much time students would now have. They would no longer be spending hours a night talking on the phone, conversing with their friends, they would actually have to sit down and do homework. This then begins a life of boredom and wastes the night away. Having to sit at a table and actually take part in doing something productive.

Secondly, in class they would actually have to pay attention to what the teacher is trying to teach. No longer would they be text messaging their friend who sits two seats over or the friend that they just saw two minutes earlier. How could anyone possibly go through a forty-five minute lecture and not once send a text message. But would they actually pay attention? Text messaging might just have replaced stirring at the wall or out the window.

Next, people would actually have to learn how to tell time on a analog clock. No longer could you flip your phone out and check to see what hour and minute it is, digitally displayed by the way. Now you have to rely on the old fashion way and look at the minute hand and hour hand. You would actually have to use your brain to count, life would be so much harder.

Just think about it, when you go to the movies people would no longer create their own light show and sound track. And others won’t be yelling to tell that person to close their phone. It would actually be peaceful for once and you would be able to enjoy the movie.

A cell phone happens to have many useful purposes though. Cell phones are now a kind of "all-in-one" device. You can listen to your music, take pictures with the built-in camera, send and receive emails and browse the internet. It seems as if phones now have so much that you wonder if it is still includes its most important feature, the ability to make a call. But it does happen to make life easier because without these features you would have to carry an mp3 player, camera, and a laptop. Plus your phone to make those important calls.

A cell phone does in fact though have significant value. In case of an emergency it provides the capability to call for help. Even though it may seem a nuisance to teachers when their students are text messaging or people get angry at the movies when someone takes their phone out, it may be worth the annoyance. Just knowing that if something were to happen that one time, the cell phone would provide safety.